YDC in association EPI offers a wide range of globally accredited training programmes aimed at developing knowledge, skills and competences for a resilient organisation, covering the data centre facilities design and built, operations and maintenance, governance and risk, data centre migration, ANSI/TIA-942 compliance as well as IT management courses which are fully aligned with the e-CF.
The courses are delivered in more than 50 countries and over 120 cities. All EPI courses have an impartial accreditation and examination from EXIN which has delivered well over 2 million certifications globally.


Certified Data Centre Training

Data Centre design, management, operations and compliance to standards play an important role in many organizations. Minimizing, or avoiding downtime and improving efficiency are top priorities and hence being able to rely on educated staff becomes a key factor for data center managers all over the world.
The EPI training programs on the data center are mapped in the EPI Data Centre Training Framework©. The framework has 3 main tracks:

Design / Bulid

CDCP® - Certified Data Centre Professional

CDCP is a 2 –day course designed to expose participants to the key components of the data center. It will address how to set up and improve key aspects such as power, cooling, security, cabling, safety, fire suppression, etc. to ensure a hi-available data center. It will also address key operations and maintenance aspects.More...

CDCS® - Certified Data Centre Specialist

For individuals who have the need to further specialize, the next level CDCS® focuses on the knowledge and criteria to enable the participant to review and make improvements on existing data center facilities as well as to review and decide the correct implementation of new data center facilities. This course includes a variety of engineering level calculations enabling students to verify the correctness of proposed solutions. Calculations address areas such as; battery autonomy time, fire suppression gas, EMF shielding attenuation factors, CFM/CMH, etc. This level builds on top of the knowledge acquired in CDCP® hence it is required to be a certified data center professionals in good standing in order to follow this course.More...

CDCE® - Certified Data Centre Expert

Candidates with a desire to become a data center expert are recommended to take the CDCE® course. CDCE® prepares participants to manage a project which covers scope, plan, design, implement, and retire or move a mission-critical data center up to the highest redundancy level.
CDCE® builds upon knowledge gained in CDCP® and CDCS® courses. Participants who pass the exam will join the industry’s elite data center project design experts. Participants must possess a valid CDCS® certificate for admission to the CDCE® course.More...

Operations / Governance

CDFOM® - Certified Data Centre Facliities Operations Manager

CDFOM® is a 3-day course designed for individuals who need to manage Data Centre facilities either in an end-user/enterprise environment or in a Data Centre facilities provider environment such as Co-Location and/or Cloud Providers. By attending this course, the individual will enhance his/her skills and knowledge to manage the data centre more effectively and efficiently. This course covers in-depth knowledge in managing data centre operations including; setting up a data centre team, implementing key processes such as capacity planning, commissioning and de-commissioning of equipment, security and safety processes, equipment life cycle planning, document management and much more.More...

CDRP® - Certified Data Centre Risk Professional

Individuals with a desire to gain a deep understanding of risk management are recommended to take the CDRP® course. CDRP® focuses on the core process of managing risk in IT and/or the data center environments and is based on the leading standards in the industry. Participants are exposed to the fundamentals of risk management, its core and supporting processes and will have the capacity of participating in risk management projects upon completion of this course.More...

CDSM® - Certified Data Centre Safety Manager

Certified Data Centre Safety Manager course is a course is to expose attendants to the requirements for safety in data center operations. The course is based on the ISO/IEC 18000 (OHSAS 18000) standard and covers Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in order to enable the businesses to be confident it is doing all it can to protect their employees. It also allows the business to ensure it is operating according to the stated health and safety policies.

CDMS® - Certified Data Centre Migration Specialist

CDMS is a 2-day course designed to expose participants to a step-by-step methodology which will enable them to reduce the risks involved when undertaking a data centre migration. The course will address a systematic approach ensuring a successful 'lift-and-shift' of an operating data centre to a new location.More...

Standards / Compliance

Data centres are at the core of many organisations. Downtime of the data centre could lead to major losses to the business. This has led many organisations to build resilience at various levels such as at the data centre facilities infrastructure and at the ICT layer. However, following recommendations of various vendors, consultants and public domain information might result in under- or over-specification. Therefore it would be better to follow a commonly accepted standard as the basis for the design and built principles.
The ANSI/TIA-942 Standard specifies requirements and guidelines for the design and build of a data centre. It is intended for use by designers who need a comprehensive understanding of the data centre design encompassing Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical and Telecom requirements and guidelines, not always covered by other generic guidelines and so called “standards”.

CTDC® - Certified TIA-942 Design Consultant

Understanding the intent of the ANSI/TIA-942 standard is of fundamental importance, not only for the successful implementation of the data centre, but also for its sustainable operations. In this three-day course, the participant will learn how to design an ANSI/TIA-942 compliant data centre. It will provide a clear understanding of the requirements of the ANSI/TIA-942 Standard and possible implementation variations. The course is well suited for all types of data centres, be it enterprise data centres or multi-tenant, third party data centres such as co-location, managed services and cloud service providers.More...

CTIA® - Certified TIA-942 Internal Auditor

As ANSI/TIA-942 has become the data centre standard of choice for many organisations across the globe, it is imperative for these organisations to verify the correct implementation of the standard via a stringent audit process in line with the ISO guidelines for auditing. This two-day intensive course builds further on the technical understanding of the standard acquired in the CTDC® (Certified TIA-942 Design Consultant) course. It enables participants to develop skills and knowledge to conduct an internal audit program by applying widely recognised audit principles, procedures and techniques which are aligned with the ISO-19011 auditing guideline.More...

CTEA® - Certified TIA-942 External Auditor

CTEA® - Certified TIA-942 External Auditor The CTEA® course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to become an external auditor who is able to independently conduct ANSI/TIA-942 conformity audits. The course contains lectures and a variety of business cases exposing and testing the aspiring auditor for
his/her auditing capabilities. External auditors could have a major impact on determining the conformity or nonconformity of a data centre to the requirements of the ANSI/TIA-942. As such, the examination is one of the toughest exams in the data centre industry.